I know, I know, you've all been sitting anxiously by your Christmas trees (computers or smart phones), waiting to unwrap this year's special Christmas edition of the Beer Coasters Podcast. Wait no longer...here it is, issue #83, Elfin Jewbilation and a very Merry Christmas to you! In this issue, all three Coasters run from Santa's workshop in fear of Tröegs' Mad Elf. Even a little re-cap of Discovery's Brewmasters is also under the tree - a bit behind due to some early recording dates of the Podcast, but we didn't want to leave anyone out.
For Mike's Tasting Flight, he spins a dreidel, lights the menorah and sips on the Jewbelation Bar Mitzvah from He'Brew. Toby trims the tree with a pint of Jubelale from Deschutes Brewing. And on the 12th day of Christmas, Chris spends the evening with the Ghost of Christmas Past, drinking the Old Jubilation Ale from Avery.
Thanks for spending the holidays with us in this Winter Warmerland. Be safe and drink up. Merry Christmas to all the Grandmas out there, cheers!